
Archive for the ‘Meditation’ Category

Meditating With Binaural Beat Sound Technology

January 23, 2013 Leave a comment

Binaural Beats For MeditationThe chances are you’ve never even heard of binaural beats let alone planned on using them for meditating!

I have now been using binaural beats for meditating on a daily basis and have a good grounding on what they do.

That’s why in this post I wanted to briefly discuss what binaural beats are, the way in which they work and how they can help you meditate more effectively.

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Why You Should Meditate

Why Meditate?

MeditatingMeditating isn’t just some new age nonsense that carries little value despite what most people think.

The origins of meditation practices date back thousands of years. Guatamo Buddha is said to be among the earlier pioneers of meditation which pre-dates Christianity.

It’s without a doubt that the origins of meditation belong to the Eastern civilizations.

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