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Meditating With Binaural Beat Sound Technology

Binaural Beats For MeditationThe chances are you’ve never even heard of binaural beats let alone planned on using them for meditating!

I have now been using binaural beats for meditating on a daily basis and have a good grounding on what they do.

That’s why in this post I wanted to briefly discuss what binaural beats are, the way in which they work and how they can help you meditate more effectively.

So what are binaural beats anyway?

To explain binaural beats simply without over complicating matters, they are basically just audio recordings which have been engineered specifically to influence the brain waves of the listener.

Influencing the brain waves allows you to reach heightened states of consciousness (awareness) a lot more efficiently and quickly. It is a harmless practice used by which many now have integrated into their routine for meditating.

How does it all work?

The creation of a binaural beat is a unique process that occurs in the brain when two similar (although different) sound frequencies are received independently from one another. Confused?

Basically the sound recordings are specially engineered to play two different frequencies simultaneously yet independent of each other. One frequency is played through the left channel and one frequency through the right channel.

The difference between these two frequencies which is measured in Hz (Hertz) causes the brain to produce or create the binaural beat. So it’s important to understand that the binural beat is actually the process that occurs in the brain as opposed a direct result of the two frequencies being played.

That’s all you need to really understand regarding how binaural beats work. However, for a more detailed explanation of how binaural beats work please visit our blog here. Next let’s take a look at using binaural beats for meditating.

Binaural Beats For Meditation!

Binaural beats have certainly found their place in meditation and are now widely used by many for meditation purposes. Binaural beats help the listener to reach deepened meditative states and heightened states of consciousness.

Reaching higher states of consciousness has many benefits alone and can help you to raise your “vibe”, a practice commonly associated with the law of attraction.

It can literally take years to learn to meditate effectively and reach enlightenment, only true spiritualists such Buddha have mastered this delicate art form.

That’s why binaural beats have proven to be so effective for meditating they help the listener to speed up the process and learn to meditate more effectively. Using beat sound recordings will really help you to reach deepened meditative states with a lot less effort.

Absolutely no extra effort is required to start using binaural beats during meditation. All you need is a few binaural audios and a half decent set of stereo headphones.

Just look at binaural audios as an extra tool to help with your meditation, that’s what I do.

Note: Headphones are pretty much mandatory when listening to binaural audios. The brain has to receive each frequency independently through the left and right channels.

Also note that different binaural audios will have different uses or effects. Be sure to get suitable binaural meditation audio recordings.

You can acquire free samples and downloads, although again use due diligence. The Omharmonics meditating kit is actually a very carefully manufactured set of binaural audio recordings which has been specifically engineered to help you meditate a lot more effectively.

Read our Omharmonics Review to learn more about their binaural audio sessions for meditating.

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