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Crank Up Your Vibration With The Love Or Above Toolkit

Are you ready to raise your vibration, connect with your guides, and manifest your dream life?

Take a moment to imagine what life would be like if you could manifest better health, more wealth, and unconditional love. Well according to Christie Marie Sheldon, you can with her love or above spiritual toolkit.

Sounds promising, but what on earth is love or above?


Love or Above – A Spiritual Toolkit For Self Growth


Love or above is a spiritual development program that has stirred up a storm in the self-improvement movement. Dubbed as the “spiritual toolkit,” love or above helps you clear negative energy blockages, and raises your vibration so that you can attract more of the good things in your life.

It’s creator, Christie Marie Sheldon, is no stranger to spiritual and personal growth. Christie has 15 years experience as a life development coach, and has helped thousands of people overcome the barriers that were holding them back in life.

A Closer Look At Love Or Above

In a nutshell, love or above, offers comprehensive tools, training coaching that helps you raise your energetic frequency so you can climb the scale of human consciousness. In fact, Christie’s goal is to get each student to the Love (or above) milestone on the scale of consciousness.

Just for the record, the scale of human consciousness is a chart that is used for categorizing your energetic frequency. Dr. David Hawkins concluded from his research that the average person’s energetic frequency is way below par due to mental and emotional blockages.

And this is where Christie Marie Sheldon comes into the equation..

Christie has used her years of experience as an intuitive life coach to develop a series of training presentations and tools that show you how to clear these negative blockages. She claims that anyone can open the gateways to abundance and boost their manifestation efforts by removing negative blockages.

Does Love Or Above Work?

The thing is, everything is energy! From the birds churping to the suns radiant glow, it’s all energy. And the energy you radiate attracts similar energy back to you. So yes, raising your vibration is an integral part of manifesting the things you want in life, that much is certain.

And Chrisite Marie systematically teaches you how to raise your vibration so your energy aura is glowing positively bright. Think, “the law of attrcation” – like attracts like and visa versa. Essentially, your inside world closely mirrors your outside world so if your cluttered with mental and emotional blockages, then you are forging a reality that’s going to pretty dismal.

Will Love Or Above Work For You

Here’s the thing, the tools and training Christie offers are life lessons and valuable skill-sets. They are not one hit wonders that work overnight. There are meditation exercises, visualizing exercises and other skills you need to master before you can really crank up your vibrational frequency.

As with anything, you will get out of it what you put into it. But if you are keen to make lasting changes in your life, then you should definitely grab your free energetic breakthrough kit. At the end of the day, you’ve got nothing to lose except a little time. And who knows, it may be the best decision you ever made.

The Bottom Line

There are lots of powerful tools online that can help you move closer to the life you’ve always dreamed of, but the love or above spiritual toolkit is a cut above the rest, in my opinion.

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